Ticket Custom Fields

Ticket Custom Fields exist in case you would like to gather custom sets of information for the devices you check-in for repair. Some good examples of ticket custom fields are:

  • User credentials (Want them encrypted? See the Password Vault)
  • Company-specific information (VIP Status, reference IDs, pop-up alerts, notations)
  • Additional items included (Laptop case, mouse, keyboard, power cord)

First, if you want non-global admins to access these, do the following.

  1. Navigate to Admin > Security Groups.
  2. By the group to change, click Edit.
  3. Check the Ticket Custom Fields - Manage box.
  4. Click Update Group.

With that taken care of, you can use any of these ways to set them up.

  • Head to Admin > Tickets - Ticket Custom Fields (global admins only).
  • On the Tickets page, in the upper right, click View > Ticket Custom Fields.
  • After starting a new ticket, in the upper right, click Manage Custom Fields.

Once there, click New Custom Field Type to get started.

  1. After doing so, name your new custom field type and then click Create Custom Field. This name is what will "hold" the actual fields themselves. We recommend large context names, like "New Computer Check-In, New Phone Check-In, Computer Clean Up," etc.

  2. After creating your custom field type, to its right click Manage Fields.

  3. In the upper right, click New Field.

  4. Give the field a Name.
  5. Choose the Field type.
    • Text Field: Creates a text field to enter data into if you want.
    • CheckBox: Creates checkbox lines. This allows you to make a checklist for accessories being left with the device for example.
    • Drop Down: A list of choices, such as various operating systems. Use the Add Answer button to add as many choices as needed.
    • Web Link: A field that will allow a clickable hyperlink.
    • Text Area: Allows a large text field to dump text data into it.
    • Date Field: Allows you to choose a date for various purposes
    • Secret (encrypted): This field is tied to the Password Vault feature
    • Popup: Will create a pop-up when someone visits the Ticket Detail page.
    • Scribble:This field allows you to draw things and have them attached to the Ticket. This is great for pattern unlocks for instance!
  6. If you want this field to be Required when creating a ticket, check that box.
  7. If you do not want this field included on a generated PDF, check the Hidden from PDF box.
  8. Click Create Ticket field.
  9. Repeat steps 3-8 to add as many fields as you need. As an example, if you added a "New Computer Check-in" Custom Field Type, you could add a text field for "Password," a checkbox for "Power cord included," and a drop-down for "Operating System."

Now when you create a new ticket, you will see a Custom Field Type dropdown on the right where you can select which Type, then fill out the fields associated with that Type.

We recommend spending some time working with custom ticket fields on a few test tickets before going live to make sure they're set up the way you want.

After you create the ticket, you'll see the custom fields on the ticket page itself. If you need to edit any of the Custom Fields' information, click the Edit button.


  • If you add a required field to a Ticket Type that is already assigned to some tickets, those tickets will all be in an invalid state and won't be editable until you fill in those required fields.
  • If you rename a custom field, and it has already been assigned and filled with data on some tickets, the data in the original naming will not be visible anymore.
  • If you name two fields the same name, your data won't save properly and may cause errors when trying to save data.
  • Special characters such as / and ? are not allowed in the names of custom fields.

4 posts were split to a new topic: Custom Ticket Fields only for Certain Clients