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We are new to Syncro, and have discovered that if you have the policy within ScreenConnect set so that the tray icon is hidden, assets that have ScreenConnect deployed via Syncro seem to ignore that option until you reinstall via ScreenConnect.
If anyone can corroborate this, or has maybe found a solution, please let me know!
Leaving the original reply up, but I found the solution.
If you build the msi file in ScreenConnect and upload to Syncro before you set the settings in SC to hide tray icon, you need to build a new .msi and reupload the new .msi in Syncro’s SC app card for the options to be deployed as desired.
I thought that because ScreenConnect would check in on install, any .msi from our instance would work and just pull any the changes from the SC server, but it seems the .msi file has the settings from the time it was built somewhat hard coded.
Sending a re-install via ScreenConnect works to fix the problem because SC technically rebuilds the installer before pushing it to the endpoint, but if Syncro is using an old .msi file, then it’s pushing old settings too.
I believe Connectwise Control (aka ScreenConnect) has a well documented API, and one solution to this problem would be to have Syncro instruct the endpoint to pull a fresh .msi on SC update/install rather than have us download/upload a generic .msi. This would also allow Syncro to pass flags to the installer, and tag them to the company by name. This would potentially enable macOS SC management too, as you would not be pushing files, just sending a script to be run.
Silly assumption on my part, but hopefully this helps someone else!