Has anyone had luck creating a script to get Screenconnect installed on Mac devices that have the Syncro agent running?
Personally, managing Macs with anything that isn’t MDM will be an exercise in frustration surrounding stuff like this. We use Syncro on our Windows endpoints and use Jamf Pro for our Mac endpoints. I put Syncro on our Mac endpoints for inventory and support. That’s it.
I tend to agree with you. In reality, I simply try to minimize the number of Macs in my management and have had success in replacing them with Windows devices when they age out. I’m mostly just deploying Bitdefender, using Asset management to see the device age/ability, and hoping to get SC installed. I think that is the end of the line for my needs.
It’s probably easiest for me to just reach out to the users and walk them through the SC install, to be honest.
All you need to do is either download the package from a URL or attach it in Syncro, then just call it.
installer -pkg "pathtoyourinstaller" -target /Applications
Thanks for this! Using /Applications did not work, but the resulting error and a quick Google search got me to the answer. End result is a very simple script, using the regular old Syncro file transfer inside of Scripting:
syncro upload-file --file-path="/tmp/ScreenConnect.ClientSetup.pkg"
installer -pkg "/tmp/ScreenConnect.ClientSetup.pkg" -target /