Manage Assets & RMM

Table of Contents


General Overview

First, click Assets & RMM on your navigation bar or in the More menu to find your Asset list. It will look something like this once you have a few assets.

Here, you can create new assets, sort/filter/search your assets, edit multiple assets at once, and so much more!

  1. When you check one or more boxes the left of the assets, it enables the Manage dropdown.
  2. Opens the New Asset screen.
  3. When you check one or more boxes the left of the assets, it enables the New Ticket button. This will open the New Ticket screen. When selecting multiple assets, they must all belong to the same customer.
  4. Actions dropdown
    1. Run Script — Opens the Run Script dialog. Similar to the same option under the Manage button, but you also select the Asset Filter Type. Select the desired Script, parameters, and click Run. See Scripting for more info.
    2. Broadcast Message — Open a window with a message you compose on the selected assets.
    3. Automated Remediation — Opens the Automated Remediation screen.
    4. Manage Asset Types — Opens the Asset Types screen.
    5. Export All — Opens the File Downloads screen and generates a CSV file of all assets. If it doesn't appear right away, refresh the page in a few minutes until you see the file at the top of the list.
  5. View dropdown — Switches to the following modules.
    1. Policies
    2. Scripts
    3. RMM Alerts
    4. OID Recipes
  6. Filters — Type or select a value in any of the fields and click Search to narrow down the asset list.
  7. Saved Search — Click to select a saved search or create a new one.
  8. The above screenshot has this view collapsed by using the button on its right. Here is what it looks like expanded. This gives a nice overview of total alerts, computers without antivirus, alerts by computer (hover over any pie slice for details as shown under this one), alerts by type, and operating systems.
  9. Lets you select which columns to display in the report and in which order by using the hamburger icon to drag and drop them. Make sure to scroll to the bottom and click Save once finished. Back on the All Assets screen, click a column name to sort by that property. Click again to reverse the sort order.
  10. A green circle indicates the asset is online, empty circle indicates offline, and no circle means the asset doesn't have the ability to indicate its status. Click the small icon to the left of the name for a Quickview of the asset.
  11. Click an asset's name to view its details.
  12. Click the monitor icon to remote into the asset, and the meter icon to use backgrounding tools.
  13. Click a customer's name to open their profile.


Manage dropdown

By checking the boxes of one or more assets, you will unlock the Manage dropdown.

  1. Remote Access — Opens Syncro Live. You must have a Syncro Device selected to do this.
  2. Run Script... — Opens the Run Script dialog. Select the desired Script, parameters, and click Run. See Scripting for more info.
  3. Reboot... — Triggers a reboot. Only works on Windows machines.
  4. Change Customer... — Opens a dialog to select a different customer and select which Policy Folder to put the asset in.
  5. Change Asset Type... — Lets you change the asset type on valid assets. Hover over the "i" in the dialog to see invalid types.
  6. Toggle Friendly Name... — As the dialog says, checking the Enable friendly name box will pause asset name updates from the host machine, leaving the name available for manual changes. Unchecking the box will resume host name syncing.
  7. Send Broadcast Message... — Immediately pops open a window on selected RMM devices with the Title and message Body you enter. The window displays your logo and company name.
  8. Print — Opens a confirmation dialog. Click the Print button and it will print information about the selected assets.
  9. Delete — Displays a confirmation dialog to delete the selected asset. Removes these Assets from all lists and views and the next time the Assets check in the agent software will be uninstalled.


Add a New Asset

When adding an asset, note there are two types of them.

User Created Devices

  • Customizable with custom fields.
  • Several default asset types included and editable.
  • Can enable SNMP on them.
  • More information on asset types.

Syncro devices

  • Created for you as a default Asset Type.
  • Used for Syncro Agents, and created automatically once you install the Agent on a device.
  • Has special features for Monitoring, Antivirus, and Scripts.
  • Can enable SNMP on them as well.

With that in mind, once you click New Asset on the All Assets screen, it will take you to the New Asset screen.

  1. Allows you to add a user created device or asset.
  2. Modify the Asset Types that appear in that dropdown when manually creating a non-Syncro Device.
  3. Allows you to create an RMM agent for a Syncro device.


Add a User Created Device

If you clicked the Create Asset Manually button by accident, click Create RMM Installer to return to that screen.

  1. Click Create Asset Manually.
  2. Select the Asset Type. If the type you want does not exist, click Modify Asset Types to add one, then return here when finished to select it.
  3. Enter and select the Customer name it belongs to.
  4. Fill out any additional details.
  5. Click Create Asset.
  6. The asset's details page will appear.
  7. See these instructions if you want to enable SNMP on the asset.

Create a Syncro Device

  1. Enter and select the customer to whom the asset belongs. Once you do that, the following fields will appear.
  2. Click the desired Policy Folder to which you want to add an asset.
  3. By default, Windows (EXE) is selected. If desired, select one of the other options instead.
  4. From here, you have two options.
    1. Click Get RMM Installer to download the selected file so you can put it on the desired asset and run it.
    2. Click Copy Link which you can then paste into an email or other communication method that will directly download the selected installer so you can run it.
  5. Once you install the agent on the asset, it will show up in the folder you selected back in the Customer's Assets & Policies tab.


Asset Saved Searches

The asset list comes with a basic and advanced search. You can filter by asset name, customer/site, asset type, and SNMP-enabled assets, and can also create custom searches.

  1. Opens a Saved Asset Search panel. You will find this on many different screens.

    Click a name to use that search, the pencil to edit it, or the X to delete it.
  2. Perform a simple search by asset name, customer/site, asset type, and SNMP-enabled assets. Click Search after entering your search terms.
  3. Opens a saved asset search dropdown with the same options as 1 above. When you select one, the button name changes to that search. Select All to clear the search and display all assets again.

Clicking New Search on the side panel or Create New from the Saved Search button will let you create a brand new search with more advanced search terms.

You can also search using property conditions.

  1. Select an Asset Type from that dropdown.
  2. Click Add Property Condition.
  3. Click the dropdown that appears and select a property.
  4. Each property condition will have different operators that can be used to customize the search further.

Once finished, click Save.

To actually use the search, click Saved Search or the magnifying glass icon again and click your new search.


Asset Quickview Modal

Syncro assets have a modal that allow you to quickly interact with an asset without having to open up the asset details! Just hover over the icon to the left of the asset's name and click it.


This modal will allow you to remote into the asset, run Backgrounding Tools, run a script, open a chat session, write a new ticket, edit the asset (pencil icon), view the effective policy, and display pertinent information for the device.

Furthermore, this modal is available on Customer and Ticket pages, so whenever you see those icons, click them to pull up the modal!


Broadcast a Message

Allows you to send a message to your customers through specific assets or all assets that will show up in a window on the defined assets. You can broadcast a message as follows.

Broadcast to an individual or group of assets

  1. In the asset listing, select one or more assets you would like to message.
  2. Click Manage > Send Broadcast Message...
  3. Enter a Title and message Body to broadcast to the selected assets.
  4. Skip Offline Assets — Checking this will ensure that the messages will only be displayed to online assets. Unchecking will queue the message for assets to see the next time they come online.
  5. When finished, click Send Broadcast.
  6. A window will immediately open on the selected assets with your logo, company name and the message you sent.


Broadcast to assets with a filter applied

  1. In the upper right, click Actions > Broadcast Message.
  2. Select the Asset Filter Type.
  3. For Saved Search, Customer, or Policy Folder, next choose which one you want.
  4. Enter a Title and message Body to broadcast to the selected assets.
  5. Check Skip Offline Assets to only send the message to online assets.
  6. When finished, click Send Broadcast.
  7. A window will immediately open on the selected assets with the message you sent.

Script Broadcast Messages

You can now trigger broadcast messages within our scripting module. Look for the one titled, "Syncro (Notifications) - Send A Broadcast Message." Just like all of our internal PowerShell commands, this can be triggered with a single line of code. You can also use it in conjunction with script variables to set message contents at runtime.

That last line of the script is,

Broadcast-Message -Title $Title -Message $Message -LogActivity $LogActivity

The broadcast message scripts can also be used as an action in automated remediation. The script variables can also be used in automated remediation, so each automated remediation can deliver its own custom message through a single script.

Hi all,
At [quote=“randydod, post:1, topic:1938”]
New Search
[/quote] there is a way to filter out all assets that has NOT checked in within the last X days…
For billing purposes we need to have a search for all endpoints that HAS BEEN checked in during the last X days.
Is there a way to do it (not limited to just one customer)?

Thanks in advance,
Daniel of ITF