Announcement: Syncro UI / UX Refresh

Agree, on the right of my screen I have all this white space. Same on the left. Why???


Is “see latest updates” coming back? last notification in there is from August last year. Several of the snips point to page not found.


This was the first thing I noticed. Since I came from another ticketing system that allowed me to change the color scheme of the system, this blue and light blue is killing me. Would be nice to allow us to change the color just like we can with the portal accent. Branding is something I want to be somewhat consistent since I typically will spin my front desk Surface Pro (on turntable) towards clients either for reading agreements and signing, or for whatever. This blue collides with my branding of black and green. Of course, functionality is key, but it wouldn’t hurt to be visually appealing and consistent with the brand of the companies using Syncro. :slight_smile:


A couple of redundancies I think can be consolidated down. Documentation exist in tabs, New Reminder exist in the + menu, but both these also exist when you click on your name. I don’t think I’d look under my name for these 2 items.

Following that logic, Appointments would disappear as well.
Personal preference, I guess…as we are not going to use the PSA I wouldn’t use Documentation or Reminders in Syncro anyway.

But for completeness…(and if the PSA one day morphs into something great)
I’m of the opposite view. Stick all the “New” links in the Create New drop down as are in the entire platform. The dev time is minimal as the href strings already exist.
Then in a later feature update, allow the Create New list to be customized like the Tab row can be customized.

I didn’t include Appointments because the link under the name takes you to the Appointment page, vs the one in the plus creates a new one. I will say that I don’t like Appointments being under there either, since it’s a page and it shows me all appointments across the company, it should be a tab. If it was My Appointments, then yes, it could be under my user, but it currently is not.

I understand now, why you didn’t include appointments…
New appointment vs the functionality on Appointments screen. That is all mixed up. I reckon that is a topic for a difference thread. :rofl:

She also said it depended on the change, some will have an opt-in and out and others won’t

Install the tampermonkey extension, and then add this script, which I just updated for the new UI. Simply adjust the maxItems variable to your liking: @Andy adding this variable as adjustable in the page would be a great easy feature add for all, or of course make it dynamic based off width.

// ==UserScript==
// @name syncro-menu-modifier
// @namespace
// @version 0.1
// @description modifies syncro menu to have more items
// @match https://**
// @grant none
// @license MIT
// ==/UserScript==
(function() {
'use strict';
var maxItems=15;
var ul = document.getElementsByClassName('sub-navbar-links');
var items = ul[0].getElementsByTagName('li');
for (var i = 0; i < maxItems; ++i) {

Goes from this:

To this:


Yeah, my newsletter button leads to a 404 altogether

@Andy is there a reason why some buttons were removed from ‘open in new tab’ functionality?
The customer name button still goes to the dashboard, but I used to be able to middle-click it to get a new page quickly, and now I can’t do that, other links/buttons did not lose this functionality. Can it please be brought back?

I’m guessing that’s a bug since you can click the name. Otherwise, the link wouldn’t be there. I will raise it internally.

Just got the top navigation bar. Kudos. I love it. It’s high contrast, easily legible with a nice bit of shading for depth.

Yea this new update is awesome. Looks so much better. I can’t wait for the entire site to be redone.

Nice! This does the trick to make the nav show the number of items I prefer… Thanks!

It would be great if the the new menu UI was responsive with an automatic overflow menu (filling all available space for larger displays). Nonetheless, I’m really appreciative of the new Menu UI. Happy to see continual improvements!

I think it looks great. The menu is WAY better on mobile as well. Good job guys!

Hi, I just want to report a problem with the new top bar UI, I use my monitor in portrait orientation (vertically) and it always worked fine before the UI change. After the change, the top bar does not resize correctly and I am missing buttons at the right of the top bar, my workaround is to drag the window in another monitor when I need to use the top bar which is really not convenient.

Is anyone else seeing performance slowdowns right now? (10:50am EST 3/7)

We are experiencing performance issues and 504 timeouts for the past 30 mins or so

We are as well, noticeably slow downs and performance issues across the board. Since 9:00AM for us.