Ticket update email - is there a way for clients to close ticket?

I have a rule that moves tickets to a new status and sends an update to the client if we have not heard from them.

Is there a link or something that I can put in the email so they can close the ticket themselves? I don’t use the portal, so I am really looking for a magic link that will close the ticket without our intervention

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I’ve seen the link thing with Pax8 support tickets, but I haven’t seen that inside of Syncro.

We run ticket automation after 48 hours to warn them the ticket will be closed soon if they don’t respond. Most of the time they don’t respond.

If they don’t respond in 48 hours then it sends a CSAT and ticket status closure email.

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Yes that is exaclty what we do except we take 72 hours to do so. I was just thinking if the client is ok to close the ticket, it would be nice if they could just close it themselves, rather than email us to ask us to close it.

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We do the exact same thing…email @ 48 hours, close at 72.

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