Ticket Minimum Charges - Rounding Down

We are using the Minimum Ticket charges feature, which is nice.
However, it seems to only round up.

For example, I just logged a timer for 60.2 minutes. It rounded up to 75 billable minutes.

Is there a way to have it round to the closest 15 minutes, instead of always rounding up?

You mean you’d actually want it to round down in some cases? Like if you entered 67 minutes you’d want that rounding to 60 minutes?

I don’t know! We don’t have a good policy for this at our company. I guess general practice is to round up. In this case I guess I just was thrown for a loop because my actual time was 60 minutes, 12 seconds… our hourly is $150 so those 12 seconds cost the client $37.50 after it rounded up to 15 minutes more. I don’t mind billing for time, but it got me thinking.

Not sure if this is a Syncro issue, or if we need a better internal policy.

I remember when I was a field technician some years ago, we tracked time manually and it was pretty informal. Arrive at the site at 10AM and work until 11:02AM, I’d add 1 hour even to my timesheet.

Many more years ago, when I worked at the grocery store in high school, if you clocked in at 8:07AM it marked you in at 8:00 AM. If you clocked in at 8:08AM it marked you in at 8:15AM. I’d always clock in at 8:08AM and get the free time in my paycheck!

I guess in a perfect world Syncro would have options for:

  • Don’t round
  • Round up
  • Round down
  • Round to nearest
    and then MSPs can decide what’s best for them.

I don’t mind getting paid but to me, round to nearest seems the most fair. On average, 50% of the time it would benefit us, and 50% of the time it will benefit the client. Seems pretty fair.

Ok understood. My suggestion here would be to use rounding (up) in all scenarios to ensure you are billing equally across all clients and you have that policy in place, and then part of your approve & post process (or you can just do this directly if it’s just you) would be that if you have a 61 minute charge you can simply edit the billable time to 60 minutes to reflect what you want it to be.

Otherwise, in my opinion if we did something like this it would be a setup nightmare trying to account for each of these scenarios.

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I round up or down to the nearest 15 mins, it’s not fair to customers to always round up, and to bill them an entire 15 mins for 12 secs overage is unfair and I’d be upset if a vendor/contractor does that to me. Your suggestion of manual corrections is way too tedious, we shouldn’t need to check every time entry. Can’t we have an option “Round up/down to the nearest 15 or 30 mins”? I don’t think it’s a setup nightmare at all with that one extra option.