Ticket charges no longer auto updating with billable time numbers, only actual time

Since Wednesday I’ve noticed that the ticket log notes in ‘Add/View Charges’ on a ticket and Invoices are no longer auto updating the time to reflect billable time, and instead only shows Actual Time.

Our current logs look like this:

Ticket Work: Brittany Thu 07-25-24 10:00 AM - Thu 07-25-24 10:17 AM

Previously if we worked on a ticket from 10:00 am to 10:17 am, the log and invoice would show 10:00 am to 10:30 am if we refreshed the page after stopping the timer.

Our labor logs have billable time increments of 30 minutes.

Is there a way to reflect this automatically again, or some kind of coding we can put in the charge? Sometimes we may not have a timer accurately stopped on the correct timer, or started delayed for whatever reason. We would like the timer to round back up again instead of having to manually adjust each charge

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I believe this is a bug. I reproduced this on my account as well. I just raised it with the product folks so they can have a look.

I confirmed this was not intended and we’ll get this resolved. I don’t have an ETA for you currently but it is logged as a bug now.

Thanks Andy, I appreciate it

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The Ticket Timer Tracking report has the actual time instead of the Billable Time, so it’s messing up my process.

I confirmed this on my end as well. I am reporting this to the Product team.

Hi @Andy, is there a way for us to disable this feature for now?

I can see the feature being useful when it’s bug-free, but right now it’s negatively affecting our work processes.

Hey Brittany,

I got a note from the team that this issue in particular has been resolved. Can you please confirm that for me? Thanks.

Hey Andy,

I just confirmed everything is working correctly now.


Ok great, glad that got sorted.

In the Labor Log on a ticket it shows a total of the Actual Time instead of the Billable Time. On invoices it shows the Billable Time correctly. Is it possible to have the Labor Log showing the total Billable Time as it did before?

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We were just talking about this internally. They are looking at changing that moving forward.