Support Ticket Handling Guideline

Our Support Team is a 24/5 operation Monday - Friday and is open from 8am-4:30pm EST on Saturdays/Sundays (excluding major US holidays).

You can contact us by:

Syncro Support Portal

Chat support located within our Syncro Community

Telephone support 415-523-6363 (US), +441134713301 (UK), 844-796-2766 (Toll-Free)

Understanding Ticket Prioritization:

The following is a breakdown of the 4 priority types a case could be categorized into. The initial priority type is set by the partner. If a partner does not select a priority, it automatically defaults to Standard Priority.

Syncro Support Initial Response Time Operational Goals

Issue Priority Description Initial Response Time Suggested Support Channel
Urgent Outages and critical impact to business with no workaround 1 Hour Phone, Chat
High Significant impact to business with workaround or subcomponents / features unavailable with significant impact to business 3 Hours Portal, Chat, Phone
Medium Partial impact, non-critical impact to business. Work function is impaired. Essential Operations can continue. 6 Hours Portal, Chat, Phone
Standard General questions and issues that are not time sensitive 8 Hours Portal, Email

Note: Community Forums is not a support channel. If you are experiencing a technical issue, please contact Support through one of the suggested channels mentioned above.

Note: Support has the ability to Upgrade a Priority to any level needed as well as the ability to downgrade a Priority by one level. Meaning Support reserves the right to change a High to a Medium …but not a High to a Standard.

Cases submitted through Email will automatically default to Standard Priority.

Syncro commits to ensuring ongoing communication standards are being accurately upheld as well. If the ticket is in an Open Status, our operational goal is for these to be updated every 24 hours Monday - Friday.

Understanding Ticket Statuses:

The following is to breakdown each of the possible Ticket Statuses a ticket could go through for its life cycle. This graph also provides the ongoing communication expectations that are required of each status.

Status: Definition/ Use Case: Communication Expectation:
New New case created and received by Support. Review case priority level and follow Initial Response Time Expectations based on priority.
Open Case is actively open needing Support action to be taken. It could be that a partner replied and is looking for a response, or the Engineering Case was updated and partner needs updated. Action is owed by Support to provide a partner-facing update. Open cases are expected to receive a partner-facing update every 24 business Hours.
Working With Vendor Syncro Support Team is working with a 3rd party vendor for solution. Cases within Working With Vendor are expected to receive a partner-facing update every 3 business days.
Pending Customer Response A reply has been sent to the partner and Support has determined it needs answers from the partner to move forward.
- Support required additional information to troubleshoot.
- Looking for a partner to verify additional details. Action is owed by the Partner.
No further support action required. This status is set up to automatically close in 10 calendar days.
Support Investigating Support Team requires additional time for specific tasks related to troubleshooting. For example:
- Logs/Reporting need to run which takes additional time.
- Waiting for a response from Eng/Product (No JIRA connected to ticket in current state)
- Partner requested the case be put on hold while they are out of town.
Action is owed by Support to provide a partner-facing update.
Cases within Support Investigating are expected to receive a partner-facing update every 2 business days.
Pending Engineering Case is associated with a confirmed JIRA that is in progress. Engineering-tied backlog communication is owned by the Triage Team. Once the JIRA case has been triaged, partner-facing communications will be provided on next stages. When the JIRA is resolved or closed, the case will pop back into Open status. See Open status for requirements.
Solution Proposed The solution has been provided to the user through a partner-facing communication. Action is owed by the Partner. No further support action required. This status is set up to automatically close in 2 calendar days.
Closed Case is officially closed. All actions of the case have been resolved. Either the user confirmed resolution and closed the case, or it was automatically closed due to Solution Proposed or Pending Customer Response process. No further action required.