Message from Support: Introducing our new Support Portal

This Sunday, April 2nd, 2023 at 9:00am PT, our Support department will be launching an enhanced Partner Support Portal. All of our partners will automatically gain access to the new Portal when it launches. The Support Portal is available at the same link here:

We are constantly working to improve the partner experience. Our goal for this update was to provide you with additional resources and tools to help ease troubleshooting and put all technical support information at your fingertips.

The new Portal is for all of our partners. Here are some of the enhancements you will find:

  • Every Syncro user (current and new) will be able to access the Support Portal
  • Top Navigation Menu to help you find support resources faster.
  • Resource Tiles with Quick Links to all of our Support resources:
    • Knowledge Base
    • Release Notes
    • Community Forum
    • Known Issues Board**
    • Manage Support Cases**
    • (**Note: These additional resource options are only available when you are signed into the Portal.)
  • Admin Role functions
    • Visibility to all cases for your account, not just your individually submitted cases.
    • All cases will be accessible in the new Portal
  • Ability to contact Support through all the available options:
    • Cases
    • Phone
    • Email
    • Chat

If you’d like to learn more about the new Portal, please watch this short demo video:

New Support Video Walk-through Video

We hope you find these changes to our Support Portal beneficial as we continue to focus on making enhancements and improvements to your Support experience with us.

Here’s to looking forward to the next quarter together.




Will our customer portals be getting a sexy overhaul too?


Very cool. Will our old cases that were already closed, show up in this new portal as well?

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Awesome, looks great

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I was excited about this when I misunderstood it to be improvements for support portal that is for the clients. This is great, but when are you going to bring us a way to better support our clients? It would be nice to use our own domains or perhaps a Wordpress plugin that pulls the data for tickets, etc.


Is the new Support Portal supposed to replace the help centre ? there seems to be some overlap here


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Does this have it’s own credentials we need to setup or does it share credentials with the Syncro app?

This appears to be just a page to point you to the various different support resources. It’s not replacing anything. It’s just a guide on how to get to all the support resources that have been there, but never could you see all of them from one place. There is a separate password needed for the “Support Portal”