ConnectWise Importer

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Hi Randy,
Will this look at existing company records in CW to prevent importing duplicates or will it just bring everything over? We already manually entered our companies and I’m just looking to bring tickets over.


Hi Sarah,

If the email and/or business phone numbers match, it will not create duplicates. But if it can’t find a match with either, it will add the company which could result in duplicates.

Hi Randy,

I have used the imported and my Customers and contacts imported but the Ticket and Ticket notes are not importing. It gets to Step 3 of 3:Importing tickets and it just stops. Could the ClientID or API keys be preventing the ticket import? I do not see an error messgae.

Thank you,

Lisa F

I worked extensively with dev to get this tuned to get our stuff imported. We didn’t need to import all Automates tickets, so they added a board filter. The tickets took a while, how long have you let it run? If they still have the board filter on it, can you try narrowing down by board to see if you can get those to import?

We tried on August 19th, 22nd, 23rd,and 26th. I left it alone and tried on Sept 6th with differnt API keys. I tried to see if there was an error message but there isnt they all still say Step3 or 3 0%.

I thought maybe because the sites didnt port over properly that could be the issue so I spent Friday and today adding them in one by one and I tried importing today two different boards my main board and a small board with just one ticket today and they are both sitting there at 0%. I submitted for a new clientID just in case but the companies and contacts imported so Im not sure why its stopping at step3.

Sounds like a support ticket and hopefully you won’t have to go through CW support. ClientID and API key should have been fine as long as you followed the guide.

I have support tickets opened for both already.