Way to take completed refurb from inventory to remove/exchange inventory items used in it?

Is there a way to take the completed refurb back from inventory to remove or exchange inventory items used in this refurb from the first time?

Hi Denise, there isn’t a way to do this- I will get your post moved over to the Feature Request board for tracking.

Why I’m leaving at end of year…Another feature request ignored. I sent three computers to refurb, to have memory and ssds upgraded. These are all serialize parts. When I put them back in stock–one of them was not serialed yet. Now I have a problem. Can’t undo, can’t add the serial numbers. Nothing should be undoable to the Admin. Product history doesn’t work, Woocommerce doesn’t keep proper inventory, sadly great features but almost everything you do is eith half or 3/4 baked. Not fully thought out. Still can’t do a product exchange—a common retail practice. After a decade of using Repairshopr and then Syncro–glad to be moving on next month. Tested Repairdesk and very similiar to Repairshopr except things works… MSP moving back to Atera.