Uninstall and Reinstall Syncro Script


We are working with another company and wanted to start to move their assets into our account. I was thinking using a script that would uninstall Syncro and reinstall it with our installer.

Would something like this work? I figure I would just use the PS install syncro but add a few lines in the beginning to first remove Syncro. So far I am running into a problem trying to find Syncro as an option to uninstall from PS. I do not see it when I run this command:

Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_Product | Select-Object -Property Name

Any ideas?

Don’t use win32_product, read up on all the issues this can cause. You can thoroughly mess up machines running it.

There is an uninstall on this page: Install a Syncro Agent on a Device. If you run into any issues, there’s also an uninstaller that will wipe out the UUID.
Assets Duplicated or Reporting Incorrectly


That script completely wipes away Syncro from the machine. I am simply trying to replicate the actions of installing it from Program files just to right away re-install it under a new account. This would be easy in the GUI but I am doing it for multiple machines so I thought I would be able to script it.

This and many other RMMs don’t allow for a reinstall or repair install. You can’t simply rerun the installer and have it connect to another instance.

Syncro takes the script, packages into a PS1 and then runs it locally. In theory, it should uninstall and reinstall, but I have never tested it.

@trevor1 - I know I am a bit late on this, but I’m wondering something similar. Are you wanting to have the asset belong to another customer? Or belong to a different MSP Syncro instance?

Ie: Move WS001 from Customer Bob’s Healthcare to Customer John’s Roadhouse?
Move WS001 from oldcompany.syncromysp.com to yourcompany.syncromsp.com?

@Jimmie - I know this is an older ticket, but I’m searching and I found this ticket.

I found the uninstall script on the page you referenced. However, it is a batch file. Are you aware of one that is a PowerShell one? I know how to do various things in PowerShell and have a default script template I use, but it is all in PS.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.