Datto RMM uninstall script?


Does anyone know where can I find the uninstaller for Datto RMM? There is a script in the community library that monitors for RMM agents we know of. We already have the script to uninstall CW Automate but actively looking to uninstall any RMM agents that we come across.

Removing the Datto agent is nothing more than running it’s uninstaller.

“%programfiles%\CentraStage\uninst.exe” /s
“%programfiles(x86)%\CentraStage\uninst.exe” /s

1 Like

Hello! Does anyone have a script to remove ninja rmm? Thanks!

taskkill /im NinjaRMMAgent.exe /F
taskkill /im NinjaRMMAgentPatcher.exe /F

if ([Environment]::Is64BitOperatingSystem) {
    $NinjaRegKey = 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\NinjaRMM LLC\NinjaRMMAgent'
} else {
    $NinjaRegKey = 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\NinjaRMM LLC\NinjaRMMAgent'

$NinjaInstallLocation = Get-ItemPropertyValue -Path $NinjaRegKey -Name 'Location'

$NinjaRMMAgentEXE = Join-Path $NinjaInstallLocation 'NinjaRMMAgent.exe'

Start-Process -FilePath $NinjaRMMAgentEXE -ArgumentList '/Uninstall'

Here is the “official” NinjaRMM removal script from about a year ago.

Warning - @isaacg has noted that the NinjaRMM removal script I posted may break things. This script was pulled from Ninja’s official support pages a few years ago when I was using Ninja. It may not be current or appropriate to use anymore. I will leave it up, but you have been warned.

Here’s one from Ninja’s own documentation. It’s labeled 2022 and looks different, so I assume it works but haven’t tested.

# Ninja Uninstall Script with support for reamoving TeamViewer if '-DelTeamViewer' parameter is used
# to be deleted:
# Usage: [-Uninstall] [-Cleanup] [-DelTeamViewer]
#   -Uninstall calls msiexec {ninjaRmmAgent product ID}
#   -Cleanup removes keys, files, services 
#   -DelTeamViewer deletes TeamViewer
# Examples:
# NewAgentRemoval.ps1 -Uninstall
#   disables uninstall prevention and uninstalls using msiexec, does not check if there are any leftovers
# NewAgentRemoval.ps1 -Cleanup
#   removes keys, files, services related to NinjaRMMProduct, does not use amy msiexec, uninstall prevention status is ignored
# NewAgentRemoval.ps1  -Uninstall -Cleanup
#   combines two actions together
#   order of arguments does not matter, msiexec is called first, cleanup goes second

param (
    [switch]$DelTeamViewer = $false,

$ErrorActionPreference = 'SilentlyContinue'

if($ShowError -eq $true) {
    $ErrorActionPreference = 'Continue'

Write-Progress -Activity "Running Ninja Removal Script" -PercentComplete 0

#Set-PSDebug -Trace 2

    $ninjaPreSoftKey = 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\NinjaRMM LLC'
    $uninstallKey = 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall'
    $exetomsiKey = 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\EXEMSI.COM\MSI Wrapper\Installed'
    $ninjaPreSoftKey = 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\NinjaRMM LLC'
    $uninstallKey = 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall'
    $exetomsiKey = 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\EXEMSI.COM\MSI Wrapper\Installed'

$ninjaSoftKey = Join-Path $ninjaPreSoftKey -ChildPath 'NinjaRMMAgent'

$ninjaDir = [string]::Empty
$ninjaDataDir = Join-Path -Path $env:ProgramData -ChildPath "NinjaRMMAgent"

# locating NinjaRMMAgent
$ninjaDirRegLocation = $(Get-ItemPropertyValue $ninjaSoftKey -Name Location) 
    if(Join-Path -Path $ninjaDirRegLocation -ChildPath "NinjaRMMAgent.exe" | Test-Path)
        #location confirmed from registry location
        $ninjaDir = $ninjaDirRegLocation

Write-Progress -Activity "Running Ninja Removal Script" -PercentComplete 10

    #attempt to get the path from service
    $ss = Get-WmiObject win32_service -Filter 'Name Like "NinjaRMMAgent"'
        $ninjaDirService = ($(Get-WmiObject win32_service -Filter 'Name Like "NinjaRMMAgent"').PathName | Split-Path).Replace("`"", "")
        if(Join-Path -Path $ninjaDirService -ChildPath "NinjaRMMAgentPatcher.exe" | Test-Path)
            #location confirmed from service location
            $ninjaDir = $ninjaDirService


    Write-Progress -Activity "Running Ninja Removal Script" -Status "Running Uninstall" -PercentComplete 25
    #there are few measures agent takes to prevent accidental uninstllation
    #disable those measures now
    #it automatically takes care if those measures are already removed
    #it is not possible to check those measures outside of the agent since agent's development comes parralel to this script
    Start "$ninjaDir\NinjaRMMAgent.exe" -disableUninstallPrevention NOUI
    # Executes uninstall.exe in Ninja install directory
    $Arguments = @(
        $(Get-WmiObject -Class win32_product -Filter "Name='NinjaRMMAgent'").IdentifyingNumber
        "WRAPPED_ARGUMENTS=`"--mode unattended`""
Start-Process -FilePath "msiexec.exe"  -Verb RunAs -Wait -NoNewWindow -WhatIf -ArgumentList $Arguments
Write-Progress -Activity "Running Ninja Removal Script" -Status "Uninstall Completed" -PercentComplete 40
sleep 1

    Write-Progress -Activity "Running Ninja Removal Script" -Status "Running Cleanup" -PercentComplete 50
    $service=Get-Service "NinjaRMMAgent"
        Stop-Service $service -Force
        & sc.exe DELETE NinjaRMMAgent
    $proxyservice=Get-Process "NinjaRMMProxyProcess64"
        Stop-Process $proxyservice -Force
    $nmsservice=Get-Service "nmsmanager"
        Stop-Service $nmsservice -Force
        & sc.exe DELETE nmsmanager
    # Delete Ninja install directory and all contents
    if(Test-Path $ninjaDir)
        & cmd.exe /c rd /s /q $ninjaDir

    if(Test-Path $ninjaDataDir)
        & cmd.exe /c rd /s /q $ninjaDataDir

    Remove-Item -Path  -Recurse -Force

    # Will search registry locations for NinjaRMMAgent value and delete parent key
    # Search $uninstallKey
    $keys = Get-ChildItem $uninstallKey | Get-ItemProperty -name 'DisplayName'
    foreach ($key in $keys) {
        if ($key.'DisplayName' -eq 'NinjaRMMAgent'){
            Remove-Item $key.PSPath -Recurse -Force

    #Search $installerKey
    $keys = Get-ChildItem 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Classes\Installer\Products' | Get-ItemProperty -name 'ProductName'
    foreach ($key in $keys) {
        if ($key.'ProductName' -eq 'NinjaRMMAgent'){
            Remove-Item $key.PSPath -Recurse -Force
    # Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Installer\UserData\S-1-5-18\Products\A0313090625DD2B4F824C1EAE0958B08\InstallProperties
    $keys = Get-ChildItem 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Installer\UserData\S-1-5-18\Products'
    foreach ($key in $keys) {
        $kn = $key.Name -replace 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE' , 'HKLM:'; 
        $k1 = Join-Path $kn -ChildPath 'InstallProperties';
        if( $(Get-ItemProperty -Path $k1 -Name DisplayName).DisplayName -eq 'NinjaRMMAgent')
            $toremove = 
            Get-Item -LiteralPath $kn | Remove-Item -Recurse -Force

    #Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\EXEMSI.COM\MSI Wrapper\Installed\NinjaRMMAgent 5.3.3681
    Get-ChildItem $exetomsiKey | Where-Object -Property Name -CLike '*NinjaRMMAgent*'  | Remove-Item -Recurse -Force

    Get-Item -Path $ninjaPreSoftKey | Remove-Item -Recurse -Force

    # agent creates this key by mistake but we delete it here
    Get-Item -Path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\WOW6432Node\NinjaRMM LLC" | Remove-Item -Recurse -Force

Write-Progress -Activity "Running Ninja Removal Script" -Status "Cleanup Completed" -PercentComplete 75
sleep 1

if(Get-Item -Path $ninjaPreSoftKey)
    echo "Failed to remove NinjaRMMAgent reg keys ", $ninjaPreSoftKey

if(Get-Service "NinjaRMMAgent")
    echo "Failed to remove NinjaRMMAgent service"

    if(Test-Path $ninjaDir)
        echo "Failed to remove NinjaRMMAgent program folder"
        if(Join-Path -Path $ninjaDir -ChildPath "NinjaRMMAgent.exe" | Test-Path)
            echo "Failed to remove NinjaRMMAgent.exe"

        if(Join-Path -Path $ninjaDir -ChildPath "NinjaRMMAgentPatcher.exe" | Test-Path)
            echo "Failed to remove NinjaRMMAgentPatcher.exe"

# Uninstall TeamViewer only if -DelTeamViewer parameter specified
if($DelTeamViewer -eq $true){
Write-Progress -Activity "Running Ninja Removal Script" -Status "TeamViewer Removal Starting" -PercentComplete 80
    $tvProcess = Get-Process -Name 'teamviewer*'
    Stop-Process -InputObject $tvProcess -Force # Stops TeamViewer process
# Call uninstaller - 32/64-bit (if exists)
$tv64Uninstaller = Test-Path ${env:ProgramFiles(x86)}"\TeamViewer\uninstall.exe"
if ($tv64Uninstaller) {
    & ${env:ProgramFiles(x86)}"\TeamViewer\uninstall.exe" /S | out-null
$tv32Uninstaller = Test-Path ${env:ProgramFiles}"\TeamViewer\uninstall.exe"
if ($tv32Uninstaller) {
    & ${env:ProgramFiles}"\TeamViewer\uninstall.exe" /S | out-null
# Ensure all registry keys have been removed - 32/64-bit (if exists)
    Remove-Item -path HKLM:\SOFTWARE\TeamViewer -Recurse
    Remove-Item -path HKLM:\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\TeamViewer -Recurse 
    Remove-Item -path HKLM:\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\TVInstallTemp -Recurse 
    Remove-Item -path HKLM:\SOFTWARE\TeamViewer -Recurse
    Remove-Item -path HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\TeamViewer -Recurse
Write-Progress -Activity "Running Ninja Removal Script" -Status "TeamViewer Removal Completed" -PercentComplete 90
sleep 1

Write-Progress -Activity "Running Ninja Removal Script" -Status "Completed" -PercentComplete 100
sleep 1

$error | out-file C:\Windows\Temp\NinjaRemovalScriptError.txt

Yes, I’m a Syncro newbie. That last script works well, but has to be run as so:

powershell -ExecutionPolicy ByPass -File .\NewAgentRemoval_2022.ps1 -Uninstall -Cleanup -DelTeamViewer

Is there a way to run this in Syncro to internalize (hardcode) the switches? Tried removal of [switch] from the desired Parameters, but got some errors.
Also, any way to execute the “-ExecutionPolicy ByPass” part within the script? Trying to run from Syncro without having to upload the ps1 script manually. Looks like a script can include a file but i’m not sure where that goes.

You shouldn’t need the bypass part. Change the param section like so to change the default switch values:

param (
    [switch]$DelTeamViewer = $true,
	[switch]$Cleanup = $true,
	[switch]$Uninstall = $true,

Thanks isaacg, I did figure out the parameters (needed to set =$true, like you said). Added script to take out Ninja Remote service if it exists as well, and tested on a couple PC’s where it worked well.

# Ninja Uninstall Script with support for removing TeamViewer if '-DelTeamViewer' parameter is used
# to be deleted:
# Usage: [-Uninstall] [-Cleanup] [-DelTeamViewer]
#   -Uninstall calls msiexec {ninjaRmmAgent product ID}
#   -Cleanup removes keys, files, services 
#   -DelTeamViewer deletes TeamViewer
# Examples:
# NewAgentRemoval.ps1 -Uninstall
#   disables uninstall prevention and uninstalls using msiexec, does not check if there are any leftovers
# NewAgentRemoval.ps1 -Cleanup
#   removes keys, files, services related to NinjaRMMProduct, does not use amy msiexec, uninstall prevention status is ignored
# NewAgentRemoval.ps1  -Uninstall -Cleanup
#   combines two actions together
#   order of arguments does not matter, msiexec is called first, cleanup goes second

param (
    $DelTeamViewer = $true,
	$Cleanup = $true,
	$Uninstall = $true,
	$ShowError = $true

$ErrorActionPreference = 'SilentlyContinue'

if($ShowError -eq $true) {
    $ErrorActionPreference = 'Continue'

Write-Progress -Activity "Running Ninja Removal Script" -PercentComplete 0

#Set-PSDebug -Trace 2

    $ninjaPreSoftKey = 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\NinjaRMM LLC'
    $uninstallKey = 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall'
    $exetomsiKey = 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\EXEMSI.COM\MSI Wrapper\Installed'
    $ninjaPreSoftKey = 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\NinjaRMM LLC'
    $uninstallKey = 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall'
    $exetomsiKey = 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\EXEMSI.COM\MSI Wrapper\Installed'

$ninjaSoftKey = Join-Path $ninjaPreSoftKey -ChildPath 'NinjaRMMAgent'

$ninjaDir = [string]::Empty
$ninjaDataDir = Join-Path -Path $env:ProgramData -ChildPath "NinjaRMMAgent"

# locating NinjaRMMAgent
$ninjaDirRegLocation = $(Get-ItemPropertyValue $ninjaSoftKey -Name Location) 
    if(Join-Path -Path $ninjaDirRegLocation -ChildPath "NinjaRMMAgent.exe" | Test-Path)
        #location confirmed from registry location
        $ninjaDir = $ninjaDirRegLocation

Write-Progress -Activity "Running Ninja Removal Script" -PercentComplete 10

    #attempt to get the path from service
    $ss = Get-WmiObject win32_service -Filter 'Name Like "NinjaRMMAgent"'
        $ninjaDirService = ($(Get-WmiObject win32_service -Filter 'Name Like "NinjaRMMAgent"').PathName | Split-Path).Replace("`"", "")
        if(Join-Path -Path $ninjaDirService -ChildPath "NinjaRMMAgentPatcher.exe" | Test-Path)
            #location confirmed from service location
            $ninjaDir = $ninjaDirService


    Write-Progress -Activity "Running Ninja Removal Script" -Status "Running Uninstall" -PercentComplete 25
    #there are few measures agent takes to prevent accidental uninstllation
    #disable those measures now
    #it automatically takes care if those measures are already removed
    #it is not possible to check those measures outside of the agent since agent's development comes parralel to this script
    Start "$ninjaDir\NinjaRMMAgent.exe" -disableUninstallPrevention NOUI
    # Executes uninstall.exe in Ninja install directory
    $Arguments = @(
        $(Get-WmiObject -Class win32_product -Filter "Name='NinjaRMMAgent'").IdentifyingNumber
        "WRAPPED_ARGUMENTS=`"--mode unattended`""
Start-Process -FilePath "msiexec.exe"  -Verb RunAs -Wait -NoNewWindow -WhatIf -ArgumentList $Arguments
Write-Progress -Activity "Running Ninja Removal Script" -Status "Uninstall Completed" -PercentComplete 40
sleep 1

    Write-Progress -Activity "Running Ninja Removal Script" -Status "Running Cleanup" -PercentComplete 50
    $service=Get-Service "NinjaRMMAgent"
        Stop-Service $service -Force
        & sc.exe DELETE NinjaRMMAgent
    $proxyservice=Get-Process "NinjaRMMProxyProcess64"
        Stop-Process $proxyservice -Force
    $nmsservice=Get-Service "nmsmanager"
        Stop-Service $nmsservice -Force
        & sc.exe DELETE nmsmanager
    # Delete Ninja install directory and all contents
    if(Test-Path $ninjaDir)
        & cmd.exe /c rd /s /q $ninjaDir

    if(Test-Path $ninjaDataDir)
        & cmd.exe /c rd /s /q $ninjaDataDir

    Remove-Item -Path  -Recurse -Force

    # Will search registry locations for NinjaRMMAgent value and delete parent key
    # Search $uninstallKey
    $keys = Get-ChildItem $uninstallKey | Get-ItemProperty -name 'DisplayName'
    foreach ($key in $keys) {
        if ($key.'DisplayName' -eq 'NinjaRMMAgent'){
            Remove-Item $key.PSPath -Recurse -Force

    #Search $installerKey
    $keys = Get-ChildItem 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Classes\Installer\Products' | Get-ItemProperty -name 'ProductName'
    foreach ($key in $keys) {
        if ($key.'ProductName' -eq 'NinjaRMMAgent'){
            Remove-Item $key.PSPath -Recurse -Force
    # Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Installer\UserData\S-1-5-18\Products\A0313090625DD2B4F824C1EAE0958B08\InstallProperties
    $keys = Get-ChildItem 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Installer\UserData\S-1-5-18\Products'
    foreach ($key in $keys) {
        $kn = $key.Name -replace 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE' , 'HKLM:'; 
        $k1 = Join-Path $kn -ChildPath 'InstallProperties';
        if( $(Get-ItemProperty -Path $k1 -Name DisplayName).DisplayName -eq 'NinjaRMMAgent')
            $toremove = 
            Get-Item -LiteralPath $kn | Remove-Item -Recurse -Force

    #Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\EXEMSI.COM\MSI Wrapper\Installed\NinjaRMMAgent 5.3.3681
    Get-ChildItem $exetomsiKey | Where-Object -Property Name -CLike '*NinjaRMMAgent*'  | Remove-Item -Recurse -Force

    Get-Item -Path $ninjaPreSoftKey | Remove-Item -Recurse -Force

    # agent creates this key by mistake but we delete it here
    Get-Item -Path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\WOW6432Node\NinjaRMM LLC" | Remove-Item -Recurse -Force

Write-Progress -Activity "Running Ninja Removal Script" -Status "Cleanup Completed" -PercentComplete 75
sleep 1

if(Get-Item -Path $ninjaPreSoftKey)
    echo "Failed to remove NinjaRMMAgent reg keys ", $ninjaPreSoftKey

if(Get-Service "NinjaRMMAgent")
    echo "Failed to remove NinjaRMMAgent service"

    if(Test-Path $ninjaDir)
        echo "Failed to remove NinjaRMMAgent program folder"
        if(Join-Path -Path $ninjaDir -ChildPath "NinjaRMMAgent.exe" | Test-Path)
            echo "Failed to remove NinjaRMMAgent.exe"

        if(Join-Path -Path $ninjaDir -ChildPath "NinjaRMMAgentPatcher.exe" | Test-Path)
            echo "Failed to remove NinjaRMMAgentPatcher.exe"

# Uninstall TeamViewer only if -DelTeamViewer parameter specified
if($DelTeamViewer -eq $true){
Write-Progress -Activity "Running Ninja Removal Script" -Status "TeamViewer Removal Starting" -PercentComplete 80
    $tvProcess = Get-Process -Name 'teamviewer*'
    Stop-Process -InputObject $tvProcess -Force # Stops TeamViewer process
# Call uninstaller - 32/64-bit (if exists)
$tv64Uninstaller = Test-Path ${env:ProgramFiles(x86)}"\TeamViewer\uninstall.exe"
if ($tv64Uninstaller) {
    & ${env:ProgramFiles(x86)}"\TeamViewer\uninstall.exe" /S | out-null
$tv32Uninstaller = Test-Path ${env:ProgramFiles}"\TeamViewer\uninstall.exe"
if ($tv32Uninstaller) {
    & ${env:ProgramFiles}"\TeamViewer\uninstall.exe" /S | out-null
# Ensure all registry keys have been removed - 32/64-bit (if exists)
    Remove-Item -path HKLM:\SOFTWARE\TeamViewer -Recurse
    Remove-Item -path HKLM:\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\TeamViewer -Recurse 
    Remove-Item -path HKLM:\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\TVInstallTemp -Recurse 
    Remove-Item -path HKLM:\SOFTWARE\TeamViewer -Recurse
    Remove-Item -path HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\TeamViewer -Recurse
Write-Progress -Activity "Running Ninja Removal Script" -Status "TeamViewer Removal Completed" -PercentComplete 90
sleep 1
# Stop and remove the Ninja remote service found on most of these machines
    $ncstreamer=Get-Service "ncstreamer"
        Stop-Service $ncstreamer -Force
        & sc.exe DELETE ncstreamer
# Finally, note progress and write errors
Write-Progress -Activity "Running Ninja Removal Script" -Status "Completed" -PercentComplete 100
sleep 1

$error | out-file C:\NinjaRemovalScriptError.txt