Version information for SyncroRMM and Splashtop

Saved Asset Search for Splashtop for finding a version that’s not up-to-date

For the Syncro version, you can look at individual devices, or on Assets & RMM, show the General Agent Version column. Usually forcing a sync will cause the agent to update, but have had cases where that doesn’t happen and it eventually updates.

To update the Streamer, you can push it via a script. Last time I tried in bulk, I got some errors on the download, so they may be rate limiting it now, if so, use the same URL to download the file and upload as a script file and modify the script.

Import-Module $env:SyncroModule
$workingdir = "c:\temp"
$url = ""
$file = "$($workingdir)\streamer.exe"

# Test if the working directory exist
    If(!(test-path $workingdir))
        New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force -Path $workingdir

# Download
    Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $url -OutFile $file
# Install
        start-process -wait -Filepath $file -ArgumentList "prevercheck /s /i hidewindow=1"
        Start-Sleep -s 3
        Write-Host "Deleting Installer"
        Remove-Item -path $file