Version information for SyncroRMM and Splashtop

I would like to see how many assets are on a particular version of SyncroRMM and Splashtop…

I know that if an assets is offline, the updates sometimes do not go through and are paused until the next update is pushed out, this can cause issues.

This information would enable us to see real-time and if needed, run scripts to make sure updates are ran.

Saved Asset Search for Splashtop for finding a version that’s not up-to-date

For the Syncro version, you can look at individual devices, or on Assets & RMM, show the General Agent Version column. Usually forcing a sync will cause the agent to update, but have had cases where that doesn’t happen and it eventually updates.

To update the Streamer, you can push it via a script. Last time I tried in bulk, I got some errors on the download, so they may be rate limiting it now, if so, use the same URL to download the file and upload as a script file and modify the script.

Import-Module $env:SyncroModule
$workingdir = "c:\temp"
$url = ""
$file = "$($workingdir)\streamer.exe"

# Test if the working directory exist
    If(!(test-path $workingdir))
        New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force -Path $workingdir

# Download
    Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $url -OutFile $file
# Install
        start-process -wait -Filepath $file -ArgumentList "prevercheck /s /i hidewindow=1"
        Start-Sleep -s 3
        Write-Host "Deleting Installer"
        Remove-Item -path $file

Actually, just came out, so you’ll need to modify the version now.

There’s a script in the Community Library that’s basically the same. I downloaded the Streamer installer, uploaded it as a File, then attached it to the script as a required file and replaced the download code with the local filename – worked great.

Script using a script file instead of URL. File grabbed from

Import-Module $env:SyncroModule
$workingdir = "c:\temp"
$file = "$($workingdir)\streamer.exe"

# Test if the working directory exist
    If(!(test-path $workingdir))
        New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force -Path $workingdir
# Install
        start-process -wait -Filepath $file -ArgumentList "prevercheck /s /i hidewindow=1"
        Start-Sleep -s 3
        Write-Host "Deleting Installer"
        Remove-Item -path $file

Thank you.

I will see if it will fix my problem.

Howdy, Was your issue with Trend Micro realtime scanner conflicting with splashtop causing High CPU\Memory usage which causes the machine to crash or hang?

That is what we are trying to resolve and was told by trend that splashtop streamer needs to be updated to fix the problem.

For some of my clients, that was the case. Updating to seems to have solved that problem. CPU would peg out with Ntrtscan.exe.