I’ve been keeping a windows machine around just to run splashtop viewer for remote clients for awhile now, figured I’d finally get around to fixing the issue. The viewer runs OK with wine in linux, you just have to forward everything from the browser to it before it does anything.
Steps are as follows.
I used the wine PPA, version 6. No idea how well this will work with older versions.
Install your RMM splashtop viewer app with wine as you normally would anything else (I used a 32 bit prefix in the default location, edit as needed). In your editor of choice, make a file called splashtop-viewer.desktop
In the file, paste the following, replacing USERNAME with your home directory:
[Desktop Entry]
Name=Splashtop Viewer
Exec=bash -c 'echo "%u" | sed "s#st-rmm://##g" | xargs wine "/home/USERNAME/.wine/drive_c/Program Files/Splashtop/Splashtop Remote/Client for RMM/clientoobe.exe" "-a"'
Save the file. Add it to your programs list with:
xdg-desktop-menu install /path/to/splashtop-viewer.desktop
register it as your default handler for st-rmm protocol links:
xdg-mime default splashtop-viewer.desktop x-scheme-handler/st-rmm
Chrome and related programs should just open it when you click the “Remote Access” button now, Firefox may need a little prodding by going to about:config setting a boolean for network.protocol-handler.expose.st-rmm to false, then manually selecting the “Splashtop Viewer” option in the “choose application” popup that you see when you click the link.
Seems to work ok, with what I’ve done with it for the last two days.
Since syncro says “you can’t do this from Linux” I figured a solution might be appreciated by some folks.
Edit: it’s a good idea to install corefonts using winetricks. Some of the text may be missing without it.