Splashtop Remote Access (built-in remote access tool)

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2 posts were split to a new topic: Change Splashtop default installation settings

Can we get some information on “Splashtop for RMM” updates when they happen? Like a link to a changelog? Splashtop for RMM has seemingly now gotten RID OF a feature that allows me (the tech) to actually share my screen with the client (it opens up a web browser automatically and shares the other way, it worked great) as of the most recent update.

I would reach out to Splashtop support for any changes to their app. We weren’t notified of any changes.

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When issuing the permission for the Screen Recording setting, you also have to allow “Splashtop Streamer” NOT just “Splastop for RMM”.
Please update your document above, to save some time for your next victim, er client…