Rich Text support in Canned Responses

Is the canned responses feature meant to support rich text / links? Just pasted a new response in and have had to rework from what I wanted due to it being plain text. Seen some other comments about consistency of text entry boxes across the platform from a while ago and wonder what the status is?

If it is only possible to have plain text at present are there any plans to support rich text at some point?

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It does not currently support rich text. I know that is one of the areas they are targeting for a future update.

thanks for confirming Andy.

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This seems like a logical roadmap addition now that ticketing has rich text. Does anyone know if this is coming?

there were positive noises in the webinar yesterday

Yeah while this work in not currently planned, it is 100% on the radar.


Yes, you can have Rich Text, HTML in Canned responses. How, you need to make the text you want in a normal communication window. Now, you need the HTML of that text. I use Brave Browser. This process took me about 20 minutes to get the right feel; I recommend for you to document your steps so use them months from now…
When that text is finished, right click the webpage, select INSPECTION.
Now, move the mouse cursor over the down gray arrows of the HTML code, which will highlight on the screen what that code is for. Get it just right.
Right-click, go to menu item Copy, and select Copy outerHMTL.
I think that is the correct option.

Now, go to a new communication window; and paste what you copied. It should be perfect for you. Maybe, there is a internet site where you can paste HTML to see the result. You can paste that in a text file to see any fluff at the start or end. When you are good with the HTML, paste that in the Canned Response subject line. Cool! Reply back if this works for you.