Our Syncro Account billing

How does the annual billing for syncro work if you reduce your number of users or move to another platform? I am having trouble finding that information anywhere.

You pay up front for the year. So if you add a user 6 months into your 12 months, you’d be prorated for that at 50%. You can drop users if you want, but you still have paid for them so you won’t be credited back for that amount. Same if you leave.

Annuals are offered at a discount, but you can always go month to month instead if you like.

Would you or someone else be willing to reach out or do a call with me to discuss some questions?

You can reach out to me at andy@syncromsp.com with your contact info and I’ll reach out.

Also, how do I change our billing settings? I can’t find that anywhere.


Admin Settings > Account Profile for updating payment methods and changing plans and whatnot.