New Feature - Contact Tags

We have expanded our Ticket Tag and Customer Tag functionality to now include Contact Tags!

This will allow you to segment individual contacts for more granular control in your ticket automations. So if you wanted to treat your “VIPs,” like company CEOs, differently than other contacts within the same organization, you can. If you wanted to flag entire departments within an organization and handle tickets coming from that entire department differently, you can do that too.

Check out the video below to learn more:


Yea! Two thumbs for the feature!

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Is there a way to filter or search contacts by tag?

Not currently, no. As of today they can be added into Ticket Automations.

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I second this. This need to be added to the Customer Search feature so we can build custom lists for mass e-mail/marketing, e.g. Person in Charge, Owner, Technican Contact, etc.

We currently have to maintain this list elsewhere.