HTML Support For Tickets Is Coming!

So… any update on this?


Very cool Excited for this one.

Are you guys waiting to give this to us as a christmas present? :face_with_peeking_eye:

Maybe :). It’s in early access with some users now. If that goes as expected that’s certainly a possibility.


Hi Andy,

Apologies for the late reply but was wondering what’s the latest update with HTML support in the ticketing system? Hoping to see formatting come through properly and do simple things like copy and paste a screenshot into a ticket reply.

Would also love to be able to remove or add an email recipient to a ticket without the whole page refreshing (my opinion is that this should’ve been here a long time, but I appreciate all the work being done).

Thanks in advance, Andy!


did this get rolled out?

We’re in our free trial period now and everything is great but HTML is absolutely essential for us (sending screenshots, formatting etc)

Hope this is coming very very soon

This has been on my wish for longer than I can remember. There has been a couple of starts then taken aways. :frowning:

You can reach out to support ( and they can enable it for you upon request.

Hey Andy, is the HTML stable now?

There are still some lingering issues, most having to do with line breaks. You can check our known issues board on those items here:

Any updated news on a general release date for this feature?

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Looks like only one outstanding issue remains from December 2022:

PSA: Rich Text: Scheduled reports email body is not rendering HTML - Known Issues / Active Known Issues - Syncro Support Community (

Hopefully this means that the feature will be completed and released sooner rather than later!

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