Cant reach customer detail

Syncro Status page says all is well - I cant pull up any customers at the current moment. Our customer DB has been down about 5 minutes at this point.

Please advise.


Same - just submitted ticket

It’s on random customers too, some come up, others dont

Same, also opened a ticket on chat.

Whats the best way to alert them? Their status page should be the first thing that’s updated.

Same here… :frowning:

maybe related to barfed richtext update, maybe not - I love Syncro, it reminds me of the reason it was a chore to release code when I worked in a software team at Amazon - every peice of checked in code was peer reviewed and we had a full test harness - a suit of regression and unit testing tools, beta - pre-deployment stages and selenium testing the UI - nothing got released without every test passing. But it put the customer first and delivered a great customer experience. It’s a shame that Syncro don’t have any ex-Amazonians as Senior Devs :wink:

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Hi @here, thanks for raising this. I have escalated internally and the team is investigating a fix. The status site will reflect momentarily.

Looks like they rebooted the server. Thank you for seeing this through Canden!

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The problem is still occurring with us,

…along with new Ticket Comment problems: