Bitdefender Help

I just noticed (in Gravity Zone) that not all my systems have all the same modules installed, even among the same customers. I want to add all the modules, but I also want to avoid any fee services.

So my question is, are all the modules listed in the BD policy section the free add-ons?

If so how would you add one of the paid add ons like the EDR module? I know I need to reconfigure existing clients through GZ, but I just want to be sure I am not going to get hit with any additional fees.

We are doing EDR for some clients but for that we switch them out to S1 instead.


Hello @mark1, You can find all these add-ons in Companies > edit a company > below the Information section.

Here is more information about our gravity zone integration and how add-ons work.

Can you tell me if the add-ons listed in the Bitdefender section of the Syncro policies are all included in my base license for Bitdefender? Or are some of them the paid add-ons?

So I see this:

Are any of those options going to cost me additional on top of the $1.30 per month? Or are those module all included in the base price?

Hi @mark1, all of those are an additional charge on top of your base rate.

Are you sure about that? What is the additional charge for Firewall or Power User? I don’t see those on the list.

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