Ticket Tags Launching Next Week

completely agree.
Feels odd that TicketTags and HTML Support is such a high priority but IP whitelisting and other security measures isn’t.

Seems like a decent feature update. I’d like to know where SAML/SSO is? I need more conditional access to Syncro so that this attack surface can be minimized.

A decent feature, but it requires us to manually add more details to the tickets. It would be more useful to have better searching and filtering on the data that already exists in the ticket,

Hey Brett! I expect we will have more to share about our Q3 priorities in a newsletter that is being prepared to go out. I’ll spoil that SSO is going to be mentioned in that newsletter.

@Bobby Slight critique here. There are some inconsistencies in how tags work. On the ticket screen, there is no save or edit button, whereas on the ticket index, there is. On the dropdown on either screen, you can’t actually click the arrow. On the ticket index, even if you hit the X, or click off the screen, it saves the changes. Also, the list covers up the save button, so it’s an extra click to click out of the list to hit the save button. I don’t mind either format as long as it is consistent. I’m leaning more to how the ticket screen works if I had to choose, it is less clicks overall.

Are we able to merge or de-dupe tags? I know we’re going to get some misspellings and such…

Hey Jimmie!

I appreciate the critiques here. I was just speaking with team about the behavior you described on the Ticket Tab Table. We are going to be making some tweaks to the pop-up behavior there like the clicking out of the pop-up and the changes saving unexpectedly. We will be updating the arrows in the pop-up being clickable as well.

The drop down list covering the Save requiring another click is also a fair critique that we will work to solve.

The pop-up existing on the Ticket Index page versus how Tags works on the Ticket Detail and Ticket Create pages is the result of some compromises that we had to make with the Ticket Tab Table performance. This is something that I personally want to continue to look as we expand the Ticket Tag functionality, but is admittedly lower in priority than many of the other things you listed.

Thank you for providing the ping here and for the feedback!

There is not currently a way to merge Ticket Tags or to de-dupe them automatically, but you can bulk remove and add tags on the Ticket Tab’s Bulk Actions. I will add this feedback with the other data we are tracking for additional updates to bring to the feature.