If they don’t update the status page then there wasn’t an issue. and they can keep their uptime higher?
Not like this. Not like this. I am like 40% complete in a total migration.
Been with them for about three years. I can think of maybe one time it’s happened where it actually affected my operation and I can count on one hand the number of times I’ve heard about widespread issues like this.
It’s nature of the beast with cloud-hosted/web apps like this. Downtime is largely out of your control/hands.
Looks like we’re back online
edit: OK maybe not
Actually not sure why it isn’t at the top but if you scroll down it does appear to show their webapp down. Try this page.
Down here too. The first place I checked is the Syncro status page, which still says operational. What’s the point of having a status page if it doesn’t reflect accurate and up to date information? It’s been nearly 30 minutes since Syncro staff acknowledge the issue in this post, yet no one’s updated the system status page.
Yeah, same here. Loaded the dashboard once, then error again navigating.
The rolling blackouts got to Syncro
It’s like old school email where replies were always at the bottom!
We are seeing the same errors.
That’s a lot of extensions you got there, bud; what are they all?
looks like scrolling down on the status page shows liuve status. not ideal, but better than nothing /shrug
Looking better here now. Things are up and working almost normally (little sluggish at times but it’s consistently working at least).