Syncro Mobile app for iOS and iPad OS has dropped!

I just noticed that the app is available in the Apple App Store! Yaaaaay!

I noticed too… seems pretty slick and doesn’t keep signing me out which is great
Although chat still doesn’t work. (for me anyway)

I have attempted to login 12 times. It prompts for my subdomain, then my username and password. Only to them take me back to the login screen. I fear the same old issues with this new app will persist.


Already hit a problem stopping me from signing in :rofl:

Appears that sign-in with Microsoft SSO is broken (at least on iPhone running iOS 17.5.1)

Enter subdomain → redirect to MS login → enter username → enter password → MFA push comes through → flip to Authenticator and complete MFA → flip back to app, app has reset login process back to “Sign In” button.

Experimented some more and found that if you swap out of the app and back in at any point during login process it resets back to beginning so looks like it’s not possible to use MFA on the same device as the app :frowning:

Anyone else have the same issue?

Mine eventually signed in, but took 5-6 tries, trying to stay in the app as much as possible. I think it held the MS sign in from previous attempt. Then Syncro MFA, reset again, but last time held and I was in.

Oh man. I applaud your persistence!

aint nobody got time for that GIF

Hey everyone, we have just posted a notice on on our Known Issues Board regarding login issues some users are experiencing. Our engineers are looking into the issue.

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I initially had issues also, but after some persistence, I believe I found a workaround:

Once you open Syncro Mobile, and get the subdomain page, tap the Safari icon in the lower-right. This will switch you to your Safari browser. Proceed to login there. Now, force-close Syncro mobile, and reopen. If you aren’t automatically logged in, try entering the subdomain. You should now be logged in.

Note: I have only tried this once! I’m logged in now, and I don’t want to rock the boat.

Chat seems to work fine for me.

Same for me. Logs me out everytime… pretty sad. I had such high hopes.

To everyone disappointed in the app, this may be of little consolation, but at this stage in the development, you really aren’t missing much.

Currently the old app has more functionality.
See screenshot below:

When I used to dabble in programming, I learned an important adage: “first get it to work, then get it to work well”. The idea is: when starting a new project, get the basic functionality working first, and then add to it and improve on it as time goes on.

Troubleshooting something with 4 functions is much easier than something with 24 functions!

The devs hit a bug that limits our usage. This too will pass.

they also explained in the webinar last month that this was an new app with limited feature set and the old one would be retained in the interim. Seemed like a starting point with focussed initial feature set that would be built on.

Seems to work quite well and look forward to more additions. Being able to sort tickets would be good fix :slight_smile:

Hey all - We’ve released an updated version of our new mobile app that should resolve the login issues some of you were seeing. Apologies for the issue there.

If anyone is still seeing login issues after updating the app, please let me know.

The app is fantastic! However, I’ve noticed a character limit when replying to existing tickets. Will this be adjusted in the future?


Yes 100%. I was just talking to someone about this today. I don’t have an ETA, but I can tell you this is in fact happening.

Why does the app have a #1 mark superimposed over the icon, no matter how many alerts I have? If I clear out all alerts, I expect this to go away. If I have 5 alerts, it should show 5, etc. at least, that is usually the case with other apps.