Here is a fun one! I have three different Email Ticket Templates.
New Ticket Template (works great)
Coment Ticket Template (works great)
Resolved Ticket Template - No Worky
I have recreated this template a few times with no success. I have selected the Status resolved and then emailed the ticket using the Communication Section. I have also gone to Actions and resolved it that way.
Every way will only send the Updated Ticket Template.
I have selected the Status resolved and then emailed the ticket using the Communication Section. I have also gone to Actions and resolved it that way.
Every way will only send the Updated Ticket Template.
To send the ticket resolved email, you have to enable it in the admin settings, under Ticket Settings → Preferences. I have attached a screenshot for you to see. Once you do this, any time you mark a ticket resolved, it will send whatever you have set up in the Ticket Resolved Email Template. Be aware that the default setting in the template is to send the entire public comments thread, so if you are working back and forth on something with a client for a while, it has the potential of being quite long.
That is awesome, it works! But, now my customer gets a “resolved” email and an update like an email comment was made. Which isn’t a huge problem, but sort of annoying.