Contact import failing


I am trying to import contacts for a customer. I have tried saving the .csv using a few different programs (excel, librecalc, google sheets) all resulting in the same issue. After importing, the report reads “0 rows” so it thinks the csv is completely empty (even though it isn’t). The other issue is, I can’t re-test using the same file because I get the error “Md5 has already been taken”, is there anyway to remove old failed imports?

Hi Rob! You’ll probably have to rename the file before importing again, or make a little change. If it’s not importing it likely doesn’t like the data in the columns or there’s an issue with the header.

I would suggest making sure every entry has a first/last name and a unique email. Fill out the properties and opt_out columns as above. If needed you can download a new template from the contacts tab if the column headers don’t look correct.

FYI renaming the file does not work. Still displays the md5 error. I have it formatted exactly as you have in your example, copied properties and the opt_out column all he way down. Is customer ID a required field?

It’s not required, but if you want to import multiple contacts for multiple companies at once, you can use the customer_id to match them appropriately. If you export your customers you’ll get the customer ID for each company.

If you add an extra line (you can delete it later after import) that might be enough to make it think it’s a different file. If it continues giving you trouble you can send the file to use at and we can take a look at it.

What does the opt_out field signify?

The answer about what the opt_out field signifies is in this thread.
Customer API - opt_out - Customer Management / Customers & Contacts - Syncro Support Community (