Windows Updates being blocked/Not going through 30+days

I am having issues with Windows Updates. I have syncro installed on all PCs and for some reason Windows Updates whether it’s Feature updates or Drivers/Firmware are not pushing through. I contacted support and they said they’ll look into it but still nothing with regards as to why this is happening. I recently uninstalled Syncro and now updates are populating in the Windows Update windows. Reintall Syncro and nothing shows with regards to remaining updates. Some have not received anything since last year. Does anyone have anything that can say “this PC hasn’t received Windows Updates in 30 days” Or anything that can monitor whether an update has not been installed? I do have the script for see available windows updates and that shows some like Defender but not feature or security updates. Any help is appreciated!

Feature updates never get pushed there are community scripts so you can schedule them. Drivers/Firmware I would never autoroll out these. These are Microsoft’s best guess, but guess what OEM’s make their own drivers that work with their implementation so you could bluescreen a machine with these. Better to use OEM tools to update drivers enmass. Dell, Lenovo and HP commandline utilities.

I have used the scripts provided in the community script portal. It’s the oddest thing that one will push through no issues and another will recognize the script, pass it and nothing. I have used OEM tools for drivers and they get the push through. It’s just Windows updates themselves are the main issue. I have one that hasn’t received any updates since 2023-05. And syncro is showing there is nothing out there for updates. Uninstall Syncro and then they populate in the Windows Update screen immediately.