Best practice for using tickets that don't need to be visible to customers?

Hi folks.

As a team we want to create tickets for customers for a range of infrastructure support needs that don’t need to have a client involved.

With a customer that may not have a contact other than the customer (i.e. the owner) all ticket response go to them.

How do we have a ticket that our team can work on that’s associated with the customer but not visible to them?


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If the ticket needs to stay completely stealth I don’t think there’s a way to have it associated with the customer, they’d at minimum get updates with the ticket changes status/is resolved as I don’t think you can disable that on a per ticket basis. You could disable communications for the customer entirely but I’m sure that’s not what you’re wanting. Probably best to just have them be tickets for your own company and tag them with client name somehow.

Hi Gareth
When you have a ticket, or you could do this beforehand, there is an option to create a new contact for that customer. Create one with perhaps a name of [Your Company Name] or anything to suit and leave the email address blank.
You can’t then send updates via email in the ticket itself and I would imagine this would not send any updates to your customer.
You may need to try this out with a good customer who doesn’t mind helping you to try out a few things!
Regards, Andy

Forgot to add that the ticket would still be visible in their portal though! If you/they use it…

Thanks both.
This is maddening.
How is there not the option to just have a ‘management’ or ‘infrastructure’ ticket that doesn’t spam our customer with every single update? We have dozens of tasks every month that need completion for contracts with our customers and ‘tickets’ handed between a support team with tracking of tasks is objectively a core function of a PSA tool.
Is the best solution really to create a fake customer contact that disables email update functionality on those tickets?!

I don’t know if it’s the best way…it was just a suggestion but I guess the ticketing system is customer centric and not a task/project management tool?

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The best solution is to change the following options. “Do not email by default” which all ticket updates default to private. Only the assigned tech and and CC recipients that are users of Syncro will get email updates. You can confirm this before posting the update. Syncro indicates who will get an email. The other is when you create a ticket manually, set it to not email by default. The initial ticket description and the subject will be the only thing visible in the portal IF you provide portal access. If you don’t provide portal access, the customer will never get an email about the ticket.


I just don’t use the “default” main customer contact info. I fill out the Business name of course and Address/Phone, but no person’s name or email, that way, no one ever accidentally gets an email I don’t want them to.

I then create contacts for that client and control who gets emails that way.


agree @mgiordano , this is the way I decided to organise my customers as well.

Though we have residential and business customers.
Only residental customers have first name and last name in the main customer contact info. But they all get contacts as well, so I can assign contacts to assets.
The businesses don’t get first name or last name in the main customer contact info.

Doesn’t provide a way to stop tickets being visible in a customer portal though.