A new guard page for the stack cannot be

I have recently been getting this error on numerous endpoints. It comes in a dialog titled SyncroLive.Agent.Runner.exe - System Error.

When it occurs the endpoint is hosed and needs to be powered off as it usually is unresponsive. The occurrences are getting more frequent. At one client this morning just about every PC had to be power cycled when staff arrived.

I am seeing this on endpoints running Windows 10, Windows 11, and Server 2012R2.

Is anyone seeing this issue?

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This indicates a resource issue, like a memory issue. Just out of curiosity, are you using Splashtop and have you upgraded the Streamer to Also what AV are you using?

Splashtop is at Using Vipre and Cylance for AV


Look at the last post in this thread to update to https://community.syncromsp.com/t/version-information-for-syncrormm-and-splashtop/11437/3
Also an announcement from Syncro. https://community.syncromsp.com/t/rmm-splashtop-version-3-5-6-0-intermittently-consuming-cpu-and-or-crashing-work-around-included/11534

Splashtop has an increase in logging, which is causing AVs to go crazy. Wouldn’t be surprised if it’s causing your issue.

Thanks for the update and quick response. We are rolling out the Splashtop to everyone. Fingers crossed that the issue resolves.

I saw where there were some throttling issues with the Splashtop script. I took a different approach. Since I have a Remote Access policy (and Screen Connect) for all clients I disabled Splashtop the policy and added the script that uninstalls it. I have a saved search that shows all devices with Splashtop. Once that showed zero devices I enabled it and removed the uninstall script from the policy.