Add Contacts to a Customer Record

Table of Contents

Contact Notification Preferences
Contact Custom Fields
Contact Import



You may have businesses or family customers that share a common phone number. The application uses the phone number as a unique ID for a Customer Record. To allow a group of people to share a common phone number, you can add Contacts onto an existing Customer record.

Make sure you have multiple contacts enabled in Admin > Customer - Preferences

2. Go to the main Customer Record to add Contact(s):

That's it! You can assign Tickets to specific Contacts, and manage customers with the same phone number.

Once the Contact List exceeds 12 records, a Search field will appear so that you can quickly find the Contact record you are looking for!

Note that invoices will still be billed to the main customer, and can't be assigned to these contacts.

If you want to have these contacts have a secure password to log into the Customer Portal, check out our article on setting up Portal Users.


Contact Notification Preferences

You can choose which types of emails you want your contacts to be receiving.

Direct Report: The Contact reports to the person that is selected in the dropdown. The selected person will always be included as a CC on Ticket Communications.

Receive Billing Emails - When selected, this person will be CC'd on billing-related Emails.

Receive Marketing Emails - When selected, this person will receive applicable Marketing email.

Receive Report Emails - When selected, this person will receive report emails (including scheduled reports).


Contact Custom Fields

Similarly to Asset, Tickets and Customers you can create fields to track custom data points for your contacts. This is great if you are tracking employees for a company or need a place to store passwords owned by a particular family member of a customer.

To start, head to Admin > Customers > Custom Contact Fields and click New Field



You will be taken to screen where you can name the field and choose the type of data that gets entered.


These are the types of fields you can choose from:

Text Field: Creates a text field to enter data in to if you want.

Check Box: Creates check box lines.

Drop Down: You can make field with a Yes/No answer.

Web Link: A field that will allow a clickable hyperlink.

Text Area: Allows a large text field to dump text data in to it.

Date Field: Allows you to choose a date.

Secret (encrypted): This field is tied to the Password Vault feature.

Popup: Will create a pop-up when someone visits the Customer Detail page.

Scribble: This field lets you draw within the field. This is great for signatures for customers (for verification)


After you have created all the fields you want, make sure that settings are Saved and head over to a Custom Contact. When viewing or creating a Contact, the Custom Fields will display under the Contact's Details.


Importing Customer Contacts

If you want to quickly add contacts to customers via a spreadsheet, you can easily do this for one or multiple customers.

Before importing, make sure to verify that your list of contacts is up-to-date and does not contain any unwanted entries. It's not possible to delete contacts in bulk from Syncro.

Import contacts for one customer

  1. Click the Customers tab.
  2. Click the desired customer name.
  3. Click the Contacts tab.
  4. Click the Import button.
  5. Click the template link to download a contacts spreadsheet template, then open it.
  6. Fill in the contact details in the spreadsheet.
  7. If you want to add multiple contacts to the same customer, just add a new row and make sure to copy the value from the customer_id cell to the new one.
  8. Required: In the properties column, put {}
  9. Required: In the opt_out column, put FALSE
  10. Once you have added all the contacts, save the file (you may need to export it into CSV format).
  11. Back on the Contacts Import screen, import the file.

Import contacts for multiple customers

  1. Export all your customers via Admin > Reports > Customer Export, then open the spreadsheet.
  2. Click the Customers tab.
  3. Go to any customer.
  4. Click the Contacts tab.
  5. Click the Import button.
  6. Click the template link to download a contacts spreadsheet template, then open it. Even though the template file will have the current customer's name, it will work for any customer.
  7. For each customer to which you want to add contacts,
    1. Find the customer you want in the customer spreadsheet.
    2. Copy the value in the id cell.
    3. Add a new row in the contacts spreadsheet.
    4. Paste the id you copied into the customer_id cell.
    5. Fill in all the details.
    6. Required: In the properties column, put {}
    7. Required: In the opt_out column, put FALSE
  8. Once you have added all the contacts, save the file (you may need to export it into CSV format).
  9. Back on the Contacts Import screen, import the file.


Keywords: import, contacts, company, users, csv