New 'Ask Andy' Program

Hey All!

I wanted to talk a bit about a new program we announced during our recent Ask Us Anything event. As many of you know, I spend a lot of time working with our partners privately in an effort to tweak their businesses where needed to properly set them up on a path of consistent growth. As Syncro continues to grow, so do the number of MSPs reaching out, making it more and more difficult to provide quality responses on consistent basis

In an effort to scale this, I’m spinning up a new program we’re calling Ask Andy. Here is how it works. Send me your MSP business questions to These should be questions scoped to the business of being an MSP, not how can I accomplish X on the Syncro platform. Things like what’s the best way to structure my pricing and packaging, how to negotiate better contracts, etc.

I will choose one and provide an extremely detailed write up we’ll post to our blog. We’ll also link it to a new Ask Andy category in the Community Forums for those interested in engaging in discussion with me directly on the topic, as well as your fellow Syncro MSPs. These discussions will occur during the downtime between each Ask Us Anything event and the next, at which time I’ll ask for more questions and repeat the process.

For those of you that don’t know, I owned a consulting firm for about a decade that worked in many different spaces, including this one. This is actually how I met Syncro. We spun up an offshoot MSP to learn more about the space, and that turned into a fairly profitable little side business. At the time I sold it, we had grown to 12 people and $4.5 million in annual revenue. We’ve also done paid consulting for over 500 MSPs of all sizes. We entered the space as businesspeople, meaning we weren’t techs by trade. That allowed us to break a lot of rules and turn a lot of traditional thought leadership on its head. These are the insights I intend on discussing with all of you.

So start sending in your questions! I’m aiming to have the first article up for discussion as soon as next week.