Handle Unknown Assets

What it does

  • Syncro creates Assets for every install via a created installer in Syncro
  • Allows Users to Approve new Asset

What it doesn't do

  • Indicate how the agent came to be


Seeing Unknown/Unexpected Assets?

Unknown assets generally get created when the installer gets run in a sandbox. This can be caused by the installer or a link to an installer being scanned for malicious software by an email provider when emailing the link, an installer saved in cloud storage, or an antivirus scanning the installer on an endpoint. The result is an asset created when the installer is run in a sandbox while being tested.

While it may be alarming to see an unrecognized asset in your account, regardless of how an agent is installed on a computer, assets cannot access your account's data. 

There is a feature to approve or decline unknown assets. You can find additional information on that here: Asset Approval


Generally, these Assets can be identified because they might:

  • Be assigned to your account
  • Don’t have a name or other device information
  • Were created but haven’t checked in since they were created

Existing assets that are unwanted/unused can be deleted.