Windows 11 Upgrade Script?

Here is the generic powershell script that will download and run the windows 11 updater. The few machines I tried it on, I didnt have to deal with the update assistance


This powershell script will download and run the Windows 11 Installation Assistant program from Microsoft. 

If the computer meets the requirements for the Windows 11 update, after the Installation Assistant runs the machine will
automatically reboot and load Windows 11. If  for some reason the machine does not meet all the requirements the script
will still download and run the Installation Assistant, which will still attempt the update but fail and reboot back
into Windows 10.

Microsoft requirements can be found here:


$WebClient = New-Object System.Net.WebClient

# URL to Windows 11 Update Assistant
$Win11UpgradeURL = ""
$UpgradePath = "$env:TEMP\Windows11InstallationAssistant.exe"
$WebClient.DownloadFile($Win11UpgradeURL, $UpgradePath)

Start-Process -FilePath $UpgradePath -ArgumentList "/Install  /MinimizeToTaskBar /QuietInstall /SkipEULA"

Heres what example on a test VM what it looked like when I ran the powershell code

Does a user need to be logged in to use this script if I want to set it via GPO? Meaning, can I set a GPO to run by computer OU with this and have it run while the PC is on and not have people logged in?

I tested this on my one Test Machine, I ran the script from Syncro without a User logged into the Computer and the update to Windows 11 ran and completed. No User logged in required

I tested this on my one Test Machine, I ran the script from Syncro without a User logged into the Computer and the update to Windows 11 ran and completed. No User logged in required