Couldn’t agree more. We’ve been with Syncro since the early days, but if we were evaluating it for the first time, the current branding would make me look elsewhere. It, “feels cheap”. Why take the brand you had time and recognition in, and just scrap it all? A refresh of the old brand would have been a better idea. This AI generated dreck is just that…dreck. There were so many other better way that Syncro could have spent their energy and dollars to improve their platform. This new branding wasn’t one of those.
The hex code for that new logo colour is ‘#9C3502’ which it is closer to brown than orange tbh.
It would be referred to as Oregon or at best Auburn and those colours are only really associated with house roofs or fences and certainly not tech savvy IT companies.
The AI generated images are blindingly obvious for anyone in the tech industry (which is their customer base) and that inherently looks cheap.
Personally though, I can’t help but see this logo as ‘Sanitation’ not ‘Syncro’ the cut off S looks more like a smell wafting than an S, and of the all the colours on the new website using the brown one instead of the orange one was bold move…
If they fixed the logo, ditched the brown, and got rid of the creepy face as the first thing you see on the homepage and the sea of AI images, I could get behind the new rebrand, though I preferred the old branding.
100% agree . these kinds of changes are distractions that lower productivity. its like randomly changing the placement of items.
I like orange. And browns (dark orange) of all sorts. I the main issue is the rusty redish favicon (which might read redder depending on the display) as a primary color. We are conditioned to red/orange/green as indicating levels of urgency, so having all your browser tabs to into fire alarm mode is disquieting for some. I’m not a huge fan of teal, but it is not unpleasant. However the rest of the design choices of associating Syncro with a sureal hellscape in combination with oranges is pretty off-putting in this context.
I had not looked at the home page till now. The busted up face on the home page doesn’t speak anything positive to me. It looks world weary and worn out. It looks like something out of a dystopian movie or game.
The orange images and and brown Icons throughout the site looks like they were trying to make it as unattractive as possible.
The old octopus icon was synonymous with the brand and immediately identifiable. The new S icon is a step backwards.
yea for some reason I glance at the favico checking in a client and wonder why is there an icon symbolizing hook worms on my screen? Oh wait that is syncro lol. what the what
I agree with most of the people above that do not like the new colour and icon. Bring back the octopus … and the eyes on the homepage, eugh!
I never even noticed the face, but could we please have the login link visible when the page is narrower than 1200 pixels wide? Please?
My wife had a fear of snakes this definitely evokes this fear. Code red… what does that mean. Apparently no one really played an association game when shown these images. Maybe Syncro needs to seriously look at if they have created a yes man culture. Because this should not have gotten the go ahead.
Agreed, please go back to the look and feel from before
The new ticket UI looks great! When can we start using it?
Don’t care about the colour or logo, it’s a SaaS platform and they are free to market it as they like. Yes, I did like the octopus and would love a hoodie with it on. But the first I saw of the rebrand was the favicon logo changed, and being security minded, here is the platform that I use on a daily basis, to manage my business with access to all my customers, a bit of notice a blog post even a pop up before it happened to let the customers know they are doing it. Maybe they did let us know, but I couldn’t find a blog post.
Community Voting is always good Syncro McSyncface it is.
If I’d seen this topic earlier, I would have weighed in earlier (though I don’t expect it will make a difference), but I have to agree with so many others… I loathe everything about the rebranding. Colors, images, wordmark, favicon, lack of the octopus.
The new look has zero effect on how I get work done, so I don’t care one way or the other, but I can’t help but think of a limp spaghetti noodle every time I glance at the new favicon.
Also, some parts of the site the favicons are circle and others are square, maybe stick with one shape and go for consistency?
It may not have an effect on your work getting done, but if a ton of money was put into it and it doesn’t do well, it will affect how much it cost to get your work done…
completely agree, very confused how this got full send.
A ton of money? C’mon. Even the highest tier of midjourney is only like $100/month, and “surreal feeling with dark oranges and reds” only takes a few seconds to type.
I really really hate it. The previous branding was so nice. The current brown-ish orange is really ugly. The syncro octopus was also so nice and clean.
I am sure they won’t go back on it but it’s fugly!